Motor Development Domain
GROSS MOTOR SKILLS : We involve our Smarties to use all their big muscles in different activities such as walking, running, jumping, climbing, catching the things etc.
FINE MOTOR SKILLS: We focus especially on hand – eye coordination that is precise control of muscle in the hand through colouring, writing, tearing paper, cutting with scissors etc.
- Developing our Mind, Bodies and Heart. Watch us Grow!
- Let them believe they are capable of everything
- Joyous brilliance/artistry to know how to play
- Help me to learn and grow

Sensory Development Domain
Through this domain children learn to use their senses to explore and try to make sense of the world around them by touching, tasting, smelling, seeing and hearing.
- Let kids untether to explore their surroundings
- Explore it
- Nudge it
- Question
- And turn it inside out
Cognitive Development Domain
We at JBM Smart Start involve children to think, explore and figure things out wherein they learn new information. This includes development of knowledge, skills in Math, Science, Social Science and Creative arts.
- Construction of Knowledge: Thinking & Reasoning
- Mathematical thinking & Expression
- Scientific exploration & knowledge
- Social studies, family & Community connections
- Creative art & expression

Language Development Domain
Language development is a critical part of child development. It supports their ability to communicate, express and understand feelings. We focus on the four main stages of language acquisition. The first one is babbling stage, one word stage, the two word stage and the telegraphic stage.
- Breakthrough, activities and a development archive
- Fun games developing language skills
Emotional Development Domain
We at JBM Smart Start involve children to think, explore and figure things out wherein they learn new information. This includes development of knowledge, skills in Math, Science, Social Science and Creative arts.
- Our Smarties expressing , recognizing and managing their feelings
- Creating a great world where their potential flourishes
- Establishing a level foundation for life.
Focus Area
Self esteem
Self efficacy
Understanding emotions
Vocabulary of emotion
Social Development Domain
Social skills are the foundations of a child’s personality. We observe what he/ she is into, facial expressions, eye contact, body language, how actively a child listens and responds to verbal and non verbal messages, how a child settles differences with others through compromise and agreement, use logical and creative skills to pin point a problem, search for possible options and select the best solution, making choices and above all how he stands up for himself considering the feelings, wants and needs of others.
- Helping children to open up to life
- Giving deeper ,gripping and subtler way of knowing the world and self.
Focus Area
Positive Attitude
Self esteem
Language Skills
Personal Development Domain
We believe in holistic development of a child and caters all the aspects of personality.
- Our Smarties Capable of attempting their next challenge
- Smarties learning and exploring fun!
- Mastering new skills , feeling confident!
Focus Area
Aesthetic Development Domain
Through this domain we help our toddlers to perceive the environment. Our educators create activities that help our toddlers to freely express their attitude, feelings and above all enhance their imagination and creation. JBM Smart Start is the best Early Child Care Education Schools in Greater Noida
- Discovering body movements through music…..
- Mathematical thinking & Expression

Spiritual Development Domain
Through this domain we help our toddlers to perceive the environment. Our educators create activities that help our toddlers to freely express their attitude, feelings and above all enhance their imagination and creation.
- Feeling connected with life and mother Earth….
- Magical moments……
- The goal to feel vital and balanced…….